Welcome! Thank you for visiting my referral scheme page :)

Here are further details about the scheme, along with FAQs. If you have a question that isn't answered below, or if you would like to sign your business up for the scheme please drop me a line at catherine@ostaralondon.co.uk. You can also join the scheme by entering your details here.


The scheme will officially start in January 2018 with businesses receiving their first batch of leaflets from 16th January onwards.

If your business signs up to the referral scheme, this how things will work:

I will provide you with a discount code specific to your business, along with leaflets that have this code on them. Ideally the leaflets would be placed in a public area, reception etc. Anyone who picks up a leaflet and orders an item from my Etsy store using your discount code will receive a 10% discount when they do so. The transaction will also earn your business 10% of the cost of the purchase.

If the same customer revisits my site at a later date to make further purchases your business will also receive 10% of this.

At the end of each month I will collate and pay the commission for the previous calendar month (i.e. at the end of February I will pay any commission accrued in January). This allows for any returns/refunds. I will provide you with a breakdown of transactions and your commission earned at the same time as payment. This breakdown will not include any customer details.


Q. What kinds of businesses can take part in the referral scheme?

A. I am looking for cafes, restaurants, libraries, shops, art centres, delicatessens, holistic health centres and similar - where it will be possible for leaflets to be placed in a public area/reception etc.

Q. We would like to take part in the scheme - how do we sign up?

A. Please send me an email - catherine@ostaralondon.co.uk or complete the form here.

Q. How do we get more leaflets if we run out?

A. Please drop me a line at catherine@ostaralondon.co.uk or give me a call (I will provide you with my mobile number)

Q. How do we earn commission?

A. If a customer makes a purchase through my Etsy site using the referral code linked to your business, they will receive a 10% discount and you will receive 10% of the cost of the purchase that customer makes. If they become a returning customer you will also receive 10% of any future purchases they make. Commission will be paid as follows: at the end of each calendar month I will pay the commission accrued in the previous calendar month.

Q. How do we leave the scheme?

A. You can email me or give me a call at any time to cancel your participation. 

Q. How can we use our referral code?

A. The code will be entered on the leaflets that I provide you with. You are also very welcome to distribute the discount code via your e-newsletter or similar, and I would be happy to assist with any required copy for this.

Q. What if one of our customers mentions that they are having an issue using the referral code?

A. All of my contact details are on my website and will be on the leaflet. Customers are encouraged to contact me directly should they have any questions or any problems using the discount code.

Q. What's in it for me/my business?

A. You and your business will hopefully earn commission from being kind enough to support my business and help it to grow. I will also post on social media at least once per month about your business. Long term I am looking to collaborate more with charities and community groups; helping my business to grow at this time will make those kinds of opportunities possible in the future.

Q. Are there any other ways to collaborate?

A. I am always on the look out for venues to exhibit my art for sale - if you have a space such as this, and you like my art, please don't hesitate to get in touch. I regularly sell exhibited work which in turn will earn your business commission.